Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Introduction to Skeletons

This next piece is a assignment where we were given sentence and had to make a story around them. They were called skeletons and we using dialog and descriptive details gave it the skin. I believe it is by far one of the best things I have ever written. There was no length to the assignment and I ended up writing a three page paper. I got lost in my imagination in the process. I believe this shows my strength to show venerability in a charter, it even shows how well I can make up a single charter in one day. I just started to write and Steven came to life on the paper with each word I wrote. It’s easy to sympathize with my charter and to make you understand him without much to go off of, "Steven looked in every cabinet and dour to find something anything he was unsure what he wasn’t too sure on what he was looking for." This was extremely fun for me to write and I hope you enjoy reading it.

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