Steven was considered a good kid all in all. He fell into a bad crowd in high school; they were the rich kids that he considered cool because his family was more middle class. It started with Steven just eating lunch and hanging out with them at school, There was one impaticular Jennifer. She just completely took his breath away. If Jennifer said jump Steven would reply how high. When he started to attend parties with them the good kid inside ripped at the seams.
The popular kids he wanted so badly to be like were avid cocaine users. They would devote all their spare money to just get their hands on their next score. They could afford it, unfortunately Steven could not. He would just use it here and there on weekends and at parties. The luring high caused him to start purchasing it for himself. After a while he got sucked into the coke more and more. Jennifer even stopped talking to him because he was out of control. The monster she created ate Steven and took over, after a few weeks all of his new glamorous friends stopped talking to him.
Steven’s parents were not very tolerant with his new behavior. They booed him out after his first explosion at them, after having nowhere to live and no place to go he decided school wasn’t a main priority so he dropped that two. Steven thought that he could just roam the streets and survive on his own. Three days into that he had no money, no food, and no coke. Fearing for a fix he thought of breaking and entering. He strolled into the nicest neborhood in town one evening, thinking he could jack the most loot in a joint like that. Steven ran across a white house that looked like a castle, it was right in front of the woods at the end of the block and no lights were on. He figured he would have a better change excepting there rather than on the streets.
Steven nervously walked around the right side of the house to the back yard. There were a few steps leading to a back door that had a window in the center of it. Steven smashed the window with his fist that was raped in his sweatshirt, no alarm sounded so he proceeded into the empty home. The door lead to the kitchen, Steven looked in every cabinet and drawer to find something, anything he wasn’t too sure on what he was looking for in the first place. After opening the refrigerator he relaxed how hungry he was. Steven grabbed the first thing that catches his eye, a block of provolone cheeses he ripped it open and demolished it in his mouth. As he was drinking from the milk carton he noticed a knife set on the counter, he crept over and grabbed a large steak knife just Incas he ran into any trouble.
Once he started to move on the stares were the first thing to catch Steven’s eyes. He thought that the good stuff would be in a bedroom, Steven tiptoed upstairs. He briefly heard the sound of a radio on, so he stopped and listened carefully. But shot it up to paranoia and continued on the stares. With the knife glued to his trembling hand he nervously made his way to the top. At the top was a hallway, extending in both directions. The house was larger than he thought, Steven walked very slowly down the left hallway and then he heard the noise again. Much more clearly now he could depict the song, it was Modana, "Material girl". Scared out of his mind he panicked and headed towards the nose. All he could think of was how he didn’t want to captured by the cops. He irrationally opened doors that lead him to a dark corridor. Steven was sweating profusely as the music grew louder. The corridor was dark except for a pinpoint of light emitting from a keyhole on the other side of the room. He crept over not knowing or controlling his actions he swing the door open. There stood a girl in a red dress with long blond hair, she had a golden tiara in her hair and twenty or so diamond bracelets on her wrist in a bright red dress. She was sparkling in the light that was emitted from the top of the room. As the song "Material Girl" came to an end he was blinded by the glitter and gold, all he could think of is all the money he could get. Time came to a standstill, all of the sudden he was wrist deep in her back stabbing her passionately until his common scenic cough up with him. Steven frantically jumped off of her and dropped the bloody knife to the floor. As the she feel in slow motion to the ground her long blond hair separated over her face. She looked so familiar that he just had to get a better look. He gently brushed her hair off of her face with his bloody hand, leaving a thin line of blood across Jennifer’s face. He stood there for what seemed like forever, wondering if this was a good thing or a bad. After realizing where he was Steven bolted out of the room, down the stairs and out of the house into the dark deep woods.
The End.
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